Friends over the mountain
Despite the Instagram highlight reel, it's a risky, hard and unconventional life many of us small scale producers have chosen. It can feel lonely sometimes when the mice have eaten all your pumpkin seedlings [...]
Q & A with an Urban Farmer
We're super excited to welcome our newest producer member, Fiona Buining from Ainslie Urban Farm. Fiona has been in the small scale and urban farming scene in Canberra for yonks, and has worn heaps [...]
Celebrating the Winter Solstice
We are now in the last month of winter and on certain days you can definitely feel the first little flutterings of spring in the blustery wind. I can hear Lyrebirds singing their little [...]
What is regenerative agriculture (and how is it different from ALLLLLL the other labels)?
'Regenerative Agriculture' is a bit of a buzz word at the moment with the release of documentaries such as 'Kiss the Ground' on Netflix and companies like Patagonia establishing a Regenerative Organic Certification for [...]
Southern Harvest Association 2021 AGM -POSTPONED
UPDATE - AGM has been postponed - stay tuned for further details Despite a trying few years, Southern Harvest has managed to continue to build a strong and vibrant local food and farming community. [...]
What’s in a wet year?
How did your garden do this season? Did you get any ripe tomatoes? Did the slugs feel unending? Did some funky new mould break your little green heart? If you don't have a garden, [...]