Permaculture Design Course

By |2024-01-23T10:10:48+11:0023 January, 2024|courses, education, Gardening, permaculture|

Followers of Southern Harvest may be interested in this Permaculture Design Course! There is a 20% discount for those who register before the end of January. For more information read on, or head to the booking link to register your interest.

The course is hosted by Lizzy Smith of WorkSmith Permaculture and Sam […]

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Wrap-up: Lessons learned on the Tarago Farm Tour

By |2022-08-30T12:24:15+10:0030 August, 2022|education, ethical eating, Gardening, general news, mentoring, permaculture, wine|

One of Southern Harvest’s key goals is to connect people with where their food comes from. And farm tours are a fantastic way for us to do that. We aim to run several farm tours a year, showcasing different food growing regions and the wide range of businesses in our network.

On Sunday […]

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Tarago Area Farm & Winery Tour Day – 28th of August

By |2022-08-13T07:41:12+10:0013 August, 2022|eating seasonally, education, farming, Gardening, general news, local food, permaculture, wine|

Southern Harvest is super delighted to be able to offer you the opportunity to Visit Three Wonderful local Farms in One Day!!

Alternative Life Learning Farm, Bent Shed Produce and Corang Estate Winery.

The day will start at 9am at An Alternative Life Learning Farm.

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Welcome back Sam Hawker

By |2022-01-24T15:58:02+11:0015 December, 2021|farmers market, general news, permaculture|

I’m not sure how much introduction Sam needs around these parts, but if you haven’t met her yet, meet Sam our *new * market manager and community stall coordinator at SHA.

Sam’s not really new around here, in fact she was the very first market manager at SHA […]

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Q & A with an Urban Farmer

By |2021-10-29T10:23:50+11:0025 August, 2021|business, eating seasonally, ethical eating, farming, Gardening, general news, local food, permaculture, Produce boxes|

We’re super excited to welcome our newest producer member, Fiona Buining from Ainslie Urban Farm. Fiona has been in the small scale and urban farming scene in Canberra for yonks, and has worn heaps of different hats over the years -teacher, activist, small business owner and farmer to name a few. She’s passionate about plants, […]

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Celebrating the Winter Solstice

By |2021-10-29T10:27:26+11:0011 August, 2021|eating seasonally, education, ethical eating, general news, local food, permaculture|

We are now in the last month of winter and on certain days you can definitely feel the first little flutterings of spring in the blustery wind. I can hear Lyrebirds singing their little hearts out through the bathroom window, there was a fly buzzing around in […]

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What is regenerative agriculture (and how is it different from ALLLLLL the other labels)?

By |2021-10-29T10:30:14+11:0021 July, 2021|democracy, ethical eating, farming, Gardening, general news, local food, permaculture|

‘Regenerative Agriculture’ is a bit of a buzz word at the moment with the release of documentaries such as ‘Kiss the Ground’ on Netflix and companies like Patagonia establishing a Regenerative Organic Certification for their cotton production. So what is Regenerative Agriculture and how is it different from Organic (or any other label for that […]

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Southern Harvest Producer Collaboration Day – May 2021

By |2021-06-02T14:11:45+10:002 June, 2021|business, democracy, eating seasonally, education, ethical eating, farmers market, farming, general news, local food, mentoring, permaculture, Produce boxes|

No matter how you shuffle the deck, each farming season will bring with it a fresh batch of challenges, and it’s less about figuring it all out than it is about developing resilience, learning to ride the waves, find peace in chaos and then sharing this learning to build a strong community support network. It […]

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Brogo Permaculture Gardens Upcoming Courses and Open Days.

By |2019-01-12T16:14:24+11:0012 January, 2019|courses, education, Gardening, general news, mentoring, permaculture|

Introduction to Permaculture

23rd-24th February 2019, 2nd-3rd November 2019,16th-17th November 2019, Brogo

This permaculture course is taught by John Champagne at his 11-acre permaculture demonstration site in the beautiful Bega Valley.

Develop an understanding of permaculture and explore how to create abundance, resilience […]

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