Bungendore Harvest Festival ’24 Wrap Up!

By |2024-04-30T13:16:38+10:0030 April, 2024|education, farmers market, farming, festival, general news, Harvest festival, local food, wine|

Well, the Bungendore Harvest Festival is done and dusted for another year!

This year’s festival celebrated the theme of Co-operative Eating, with representatives from local food and farming co-operatives joining us at the launch dinner at Scrumpers Kitchen in Bungendore. SHA legend Ruth provided a wonderful meal while our community heard about the joys and benefits […]

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NEW community store in Bungendore!

By |2024-01-23T10:41:51+11:0023 January, 2024|business, eating seasonally, ethical eating, farmers market, general news, local food, wine|

Southern Harvest is very excited to have a brand new community store in Bungendore! This store is right in the middle of town, on the corner of the village square which puts us in a great position to service the local Bungendore community. We have also relocated the weekly Saturday farmers market to the village […]

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SHA in the media!

By |2023-06-05T18:10:03+10:005 June, 2023|farmers market, farming, festival, local food|

Southern Harvest has been in the media over the past couple of weeks with all sorts of exciting things happening.

This year SHA is proud to auspice the events of the Truffle Season. This means we will endeavour to collate the wide variety of […]

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Harvest Festival 2023!!

By |2023-04-05T14:07:16+10:003 April, 2023|eating seasonally, education, ethical eating, farmers market, farming, festival, garlic, general news, Harvest festival, local food|

Harvest Festival is here again and the 2023 festival is gearing up to be bigger and better than ever!

Harvest Festival is not only the main fundraising opportunity for Southern Harvest, but also a fantastic way for us to bring the community together. We love creating connections between producers and consumers, and […]

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So you bought some truffles: now what?

By |2022-08-02T10:20:26+10:002 August, 2022|farmers market, general news, local food, recipes|

Truffles require a very specific climate to grow and we are lucky to live in a place that satisfies all their requirements. Damp Autumn weather, proper cold frosts, and sunny Winter days all contribute to the development of these mushroomy tubers. 

Traditionally grown in the colder regions of France and Italy, Tuber melanosporum […]

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Welcome back Sam Hawker

By |2022-01-24T15:58:02+11:0015 December, 2021|farmers market, general news, permaculture|

I’m not sure how much introduction Sam needs around these parts, but if you haven’t met her yet, meet Sam our *new * market manager and community stall coordinator at SHA.

Sam’s not really new around here, in fact she was the very first market manager at SHA […]

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Southern Harvest Producer Collaboration Day – May 2021

By |2021-06-02T14:11:45+10:002 June, 2021|business, democracy, eating seasonally, education, ethical eating, farmers market, farming, general news, local food, mentoring, permaculture, Produce boxes|

No matter how you shuffle the deck, each farming season will bring with it a fresh batch of challenges, and it’s less about figuring it all out than it is about developing resilience, learning to ride the waves, find peace in chaos and then sharing this learning to build a strong community support network. It […]

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Welcome Ningee Bush Foods

By |2021-03-22T10:32:18+11:0012 March, 2021|business, ethical eating, farmers market, farming, Gardening, garlic, general news, local food|

Southern Harvest is happy to welcome our newest member, Ningee Bush Foods.

Ningee Bush Foods grow Australian Bush Foods and chemical free garlic. They make salt mixes and teas that are all processed sustainably.

Ningee […]

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Southern Harvest Mid Winter Celebration & AGM

By |2020-07-10T18:00:28+10:0010 July, 2020|business, eating seasonally, ethical eating, farmers market, farming, festival, general news, local food|

Bungendore Farmers Market, 930am – 1230pm, August 1st 2020

JOIN US TO CELEBRATE the move out of the dark of Winter towards the warmth of Spring and the start of a new cycle of growing, producing, eating and enjoying.

Warm yourself by the FIRE while warming […]

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Harvest (Against the Odds) Long Lunch

By |2020-03-16T13:56:04+11:006 March, 2020|campaign, democracy, eating seasonally, ethical eating, farmers market, farming, festival, general news, Harvest festival, local food|

Wow what a ride it’s been these last few months!!! Drought, fire and now floods, who would have thought?

So here we are on the other side with hopefully a little time to recover before the next lot of crazy weather. So we thought, while we are here, although […]

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