What is regenerative agriculture (and how is it different from ALLLLLL the other labels)?

By |2021-10-29T10:30:14+11:0021 July, 2021|democracy, ethical eating, farming, Gardening, general news, local food, permaculture|

‘Regenerative Agriculture’ is a bit of a buzz word at the moment with the release of documentaries such as ‘Kiss the Ground’ on Netflix and companies like Patagonia establishing a Regenerative Organic Certification for their cotton production. So what is Regenerative Agriculture and how is it different from Organic (or any other label for that […]

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Southern Harvest Producer Collaboration Day – May 2021

By |2021-06-02T14:11:45+10:002 June, 2021|business, democracy, eating seasonally, education, ethical eating, farmers market, farming, general news, local food, mentoring, permaculture, Produce boxes|

No matter how you shuffle the deck, each farming season will bring with it a fresh batch of challenges, and it’s less about figuring it all out than it is about developing resilience, learning to ride the waves, find peace in chaos and then sharing this learning to build a strong community support network. It […]

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Harvest (Against the Odds) Long Lunch

By |2020-03-16T13:56:04+11:006 March, 2020|campaign, democracy, eating seasonally, ethical eating, farmers market, farming, festival, general news, Harvest festival, local food|

Wow what a ride it’s been these last few months!!! Drought, fire and now floods, who would have thought?

So here we are on the other side with hopefully a little time to recover before the next lot of crazy weather. So we thought, while we are here, although […]

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How Can We Help? -Looking for Drought and Fire Relief Volunteers.

By |2020-01-24T17:49:15+11:0024 January, 2020|campaign, democracy, eating seasonally, ethical eating, farming, Gardening, general news, local food, tree planting|

Southern Harvest Association has started bringing together a group of volunteers, ready and willing to tackle emergency tasks, to help farmers or producers manage the damage caused by the current drought and fire conditions. Jobs could be anything you need – such as removing fallen timber or damaged trees/vines, clearing up damaged infrastructure, […]

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Australian Mountain Pepper – working bee

By |2020-01-17T14:45:22+11:0017 January, 2020|business, campaign, democracy, education, ethical eating, farming, general news, local food|

Lots of lovely people have been asking us if they can help us recover from the terrible bushfires that have burned our farm.

We’re inviting everyone to the first of many(?) bushfire recovery working bees. There is a whole load of things to do so there will […]

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In the Words of Our Farmers – Banjo’s Paddock

By |2019-12-28T07:04:32+11:0028 December, 2019|business, democracy, eating seasonally|

These photos of our farm were taken exactly a year apart – 24 December 2018 and 2019 respectively. The only green you can see on the farm now is where crops are being directly irrigated, and the sky is filled with haze from the fires burning across the state.

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The R.I.C.E. C.R.I.S.P. facility

By |2019-02-20T15:54:52+11:0020 February, 2019|campaign, democracy, eating seasonally, farming, general news, Produce boxes|

Are you intrigued????


Southern Harvest Association (SHA) is a local food association working to support and promote local and regional food production and consumption in South East NSW and ACT. We are a not-for-profit organisation, led by volunteer community members, representing farmers, producers and eaters. […]

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FARMING DEMOCRACY – A Book by Regenerative Farmers for the People

By |2018-11-29T16:15:47+11:0029 November, 2018|business, campaign, democracy, eating seasonally, education, farming, general news|


Last week the Australian Food Sovereignty Alliance (AFSA) launched a crowdfunding campaign to fund the publication of its groundbreaking book Farming Democracy: The True Cost of Food.

Eight farms, eight stories, one revolution.

AFSA is bringing true transparency to the food system and a healthy […]

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