– fresh local produce from your local region.
Southern Harvest Association’s (SHA) multi-farm Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) model produce box scheme is now available for pick-up at:
• Bungendore – SHA Farmers Markets, on Saturday mornings
• Fyshwick – Canberra City Farm, on Thursday evenings
• Queanbeyan – SHA Farmers Markets, on Thursday afternoon and
• Lyneham – Old Canberra Inn, time to be confirmed (Friday or Saturday).

The CSA model aims to more directly connect farmers and consumers. Consumers purchase in advance (initial deposit) a share of the farmers’ produce, then receive fruit and vegetables as they are harvested. Essentially consumers commit to supporting their farmers through the season and share the ups and downs of food production. SHA is committed (as the go between) to aggregate local produce, ensure farmers receive a fair price for their food while providing a variety of the freshest local food to consumers.

Each season is 13 weeks. The winter season commences on Saturday the 2nd of June. Each week you will receive $30 of produce, mostly vegetables with some seasonally available fruit. A further $6 per week is charged by SHA, $4 for administration and processing and $2 to cover produce for volunteers. Any produce box recipient who can volunteer 1.5-2 hours of their time on pick-up day receives their box free that week.

Added extras such as eggs, dairy, bread, preserves, honey and meat will be available for order separately. Availability may vary with pick-up locations due to storage constraints.

If you have any further questions or would like to order for the winter season, please contact Ruth below

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