What is permaculture and how can it change your life?

Permaculture is a design science for living systems – it is far from just gardening. Permaculture can be used in all aspects of your life and work and immersing yourself into a 12-day Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course is “one of the most life-changing experiences” you can have.

The upcoming Permaculture Design Certificate course is being run by Southern Harvest Association and is based at Canberra City Farm. The course is being led by Canberra local and long time permaculturalist Daniel Harris-Pascal, along with John Champagne of Brogo and Penny Kothe of Caroola Farm (link to info).

We’ve tried to make it easy for you to join in, so, rather than a straight 12 day course, the course is being delivered over 6 weekends between August and October. Topics include:

  • Permaculture principles, ethics and design languages
  • Sunshine water and trees
  • Soils and sites
  • Garden farming and regernative agriculture
  • Design methods from patterns to detail
  • Permaculture and community
  • View the course outline.

With the next Australasian Permaculture Convergence due to be held in Canberra in April 2018, this might be your last chance to get your PDC before the event.

Permaculture in our region

Permaculture in the Canberra region, is growing, along with the growing interest in sustainability and regenerative agriculture, urban homesteading and community farming and living. There are a number of organisations in Canberra that you can get involved with, and also in the wider region, these are groups that Southern Harvest works with and draw knowledge from to deliver our courses and include Permablitz ACT, SCPA South East Producers, SEE-Change, Canberra City Farm and Urban Agriculture Australia.

Learn from leading permaculture practitioners

This is your opportunity to learn from three of the regions leading permaculture practitioners, and is truly a life-changing experience.  Get to know your teachers before the PDC course begins.

Watch Dan Harris-Pascal’s TEDxCanberra talk “The Forest Gardener”.

See John Champagne talk about his property, Brogo Permaculture Gardens. John shows you how he has implemented permaculture principles to create an abundant food garden in a temperate region.

Listen to Penny Kothe talk about Caroola Farm, her 100 acre mixed organic farm in the Southern Tablelands and permaculture.

Sign up now for our Permaculture Design Course or talk to us about a payment plan – bookings close 9th August!