The Bungendore Harvest Festival is a chance for all local businesses to get involved, whether you have a retail store, are on a rural property or run your business from home. The weekend Festival will be held across from Friday 28th April until Sunday 30 April to encourage overnight visitors and people from further afield. It will be a celebration of local, cold climate food, how it grows, where it grows, where to get it, how to prepare it and how to eat it.

The Bungendore Harvest Festival aims to encourage and promote integrity and freshness in the growing, breeding and production of produce in the Southern Harvest Region and to put Bungendore on the map as an identity for food, farming and fibre related activities. All businesses and organisations are encouraged to participate, either at their place of business or via stalls to promote food and agriculture related products and services.

On Friday evening, Bungendore food venues are be encouraged to showcase locally sourced food and drinks on their menus for the enjoyment of locals and visitors alike.

On Saturday, the streets of Bungendore will come alive with stalls, talks, cooking demonstrations and other activities. The Festival will take place in marquees along the footpaths in Ellendon Street and at participating businesses. Stalls along Ellendon Street will include food stalls from local farmers and will include seasonal produce including garlic, tomatoes, pumpkins, as well as food preserved from local harvests.

Sunday will see visitors explore and recognise the Bungendore region as a food destination. Visitors will participate in farm and winery tours, sample Bungendore’s freshest and finest local food at local cafes and restaurants, and attend courses and demonstrations focused on growing and preserving food.

The Bungendore Harvest Festival will engage as many local businesses to participate in the Harvest Festival as possible, and has the support of the Queanbeyan Palerang Regional Council and the Bungendore Chamber of Commerce and Industry.


  • Promote Bungendore and QPRC as a regional food destination
  • Bring overnight and day visitor tourism to Bungendore
  • Profile regional food
  • Celebrate our farming history
  • Help to create a community feel for Bungendore