Southern Harvest has been in the media over the past couple of weeks with all sorts of exciting things happening.
This year SHA is proud to auspice the events of the Truffle Season. This means we will endeavour to collate the wide variety of truffle themed events in our region on our website to share them with the broader community, as well as bringing together producers with chefs, restaurants and customers and doing our best to promote all things truffle!!
Find out more about upcoming truffle events (and add your own!) on our Winter Festivities page.
And read the full article here:
And our members An Alternative Life Farm have also been featured in About Regional for their brilliant food growing skills.
Debbie and Kieron were part of our last Tarago Area Farm Tour and also hosted a tour during Harvest Festival. They are so knowledgable about growing food and living in relationship with the land.
Read all about them here: