Well, the Bungendore Harvest Festival is done and dusted for another year!
This year’s festival celebrated the theme of Co-operative Eating, with representatives from local food and farming co-operatives joining us at the launch dinner at Scrumpers Kitchen in Bungendore. SHA legend Ruth provided a wonderful meal while our community heard about the joys and benefits of co-operation in the food system.
The sun shone bright and beautiful for the annual Festival Market which was well attended with several thousand people coming into Bungendore town centre for the event.
Over 40 stallholders were there selling everything from fresh fruit to handmade clothes! It was a brilliant display of the locally grown fruit and veg, art, craft, and products from around our region.
We were delighted to team up with the Bungendore Show Society who ran a mini-pavillion for festival attendees to show off their best home-grown veg, cakes, and best decorated vegetable for the kids! It was a wonderful addition to the festival market.
On Saturday evening Sapling Yard launched their 2023 vintage with tastings, snacks, and discussions with winemakers Carla Rodeghiero and Malcolm Burdett.
Wine lovers also attended a wine and native flavours pairing even on Sunday at Corang Estate in Tarago with Bent Shed Produce, and tours of Norton Estate Wines.
This year the annual long lunch featured a spit pig cooked to perfected by farmer Dan of Value Life Farm. Local chef Reece Inkpen jumped into the kitchen to provide an absolutely delicious spread to accompany the pork.

Southern Harvest Association was fortunate to receive assistance from the Queanbeyan-Palerang Region Council and we thank them for their help in making the festival happen!
As a small, not-for-profit organisation Southern Harvest relies on the support of our members to put on events like Harvest Festival. Thank you to all of the businesses, volunteers, speakers, organisers and attendees who made the festival possible.
We are seeking feedback from businesses and individuals who attended the festival in order to improve for next year. We appreciate your time in filling out these forms:
Business Feedback
Attendee Feedback
If you would like to become a member of Southern Harvest Association head to our membership page, and if you’d like to be involved in planning our upcoming Winter Festival please fill in THIS FORM.