local local local


Our History

The Australian Capital Region Food Hub story

The Australian Capital Region Food Hub events were borne out of research findings from the Local Food Initiative project.

The Local Food Initiative project aims to identify barriers to local food production and consumption in order to develop practical solutions for producers, retailers and consumers. Research is ongoing.

Please help by completing a brief survey on our home page.

The results overwhelmingly identified that producers want to sell locally and consumers want to purchase locally produced food; however there are severe failings within the supply chain.

  • Distributors (retailers, restaurants, etc) said they don’t know where to find local food and commented on inconsistent supply.
  • Consumers didn’t know where to purchase local food, liked to purchase “out of season” and found local food too expensive.

Mamma Rita's Farm


The Australian Capital Region Food Hub event #1 occurred in June 2014. Its purpose was to gain an indication of support for setting up an Australian Capital Region Food Hub, establish a network of like-minded people, and raise awareness of the Local Food Initiative surveys. Refer to Food Hub #1 Session Notes and Post Event Feedback from attendees. The outcomes of Food Hub #1 were a desire for:

  • Easy access to information about producers and suppliers
  • Improved communication network
  • A common brand for the region
  • A focus on tou20rism opportunities
  • Business development programs for start-ups and current businesses

The Australian Capital Region Food Hub event #2 was held in October 2014 to report back to interested parties on progress and further investigate forward progress. Key insights from this event included:

  • The immediate need for a regional brand
  • The establishment of a truly regional farmers market that did not accept re-sellers or food from outside the region.

At this meeting a decision was made via group consensus that Southern Harvest would become the regional food brand for the Australian Capital Region (ACR) and assume responsibility for progressing the Australian Capital Region Food Hubs for the following reasons:

  • Southern Harvest Association was an existing self-sufficient regional food association that encompassed most of the region and agreed to change its boundaries to incorporate the whole ACR.
  • Southern Harvest had existing infrastructure that was a public resource for ACR regional food, including a website, regional food directory and map, food event calendar and monthly regional food newsletter.
  • Southern Harvest had member support and resources to establish farmers market that only sold regionally produced food, directly from those who made it.

Refer to Food Hub #2 Presentation Slides and Session Notes for more detailed information.

Australian Capital Region Food Hub Partners