Introduction to Permaculture – Living Well

Living Well is a 2 day event to introduce you to the ethics and principles of Permaculture, designing systems to live well with nature… from headspace to home, to garden to out of the gate…

Together, we will explore how living well with the permaculture ethics and principles can make a positive impact on you, your local community and for the earth.

The program will cover:

  • permaculture ethics and principles
  • sensing place
  • ways to design and create a lifestyle, garden or project informed by Permaculture ethics and principles
  • demonstrations of practical ways to apply the permaculture principles for growing food for unit dwellers, share homes, yards and acreage.

The 2 day event is hosted by Lizzy Smith, Designer, permaculture educator and practitioner.  Co-teaching with Sam Hawker @GardenKitchenWitchn

Tickets here.